Natural conversations at scale
Resolve queries instantly with Mim, your newest team member with exceptional language skills.
Set up in minutes
Simply connect Mim to your Dixa Knowledge Base to get it up-and-running. Zero ramp-time needed.
Website as a knowledge source
Easily connect your public website, and Mim will crawl it in just minutes. From then on, Mim can provide accurate answers based on any information available on your website.
No training required
Get up-to-speed instantly. No need to train the bot on intent or create custom solutions.
Always accurate
Mim automatically checks for new content in your knowledge base . All you have to do is keep your KB up-to-date.
Cite your sources
The chatbot always displays a link to the source article to build trust and transparency and avoid confusion.
All of Mim’s answers come from your knowledge base, so there’s no need to worry about hallucinations.
Speaks dozens of languages
Mim translates customer questions at the drop of a hat, and provides answers in the language the customer speaks.
Seamless human handovers
Customers can always ask to speak to a human, and Mim provides agents with all the context they need to jump right into a conversation.